Short Video Content is Ruining Attention Span Among Kids & Adults

Some evidence suggests that consuming short-form video content, such as YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok can lead to a decrease in attention span.


The fast pace and constant stimulation of these videos may make it difficult for Kids to focus on one task for a prolonged period of time. Not just kids, even adults, and youngsters are suffering from a lack of attention. They cannot work on one thing for long, leading to procrastination and failure.

Additionally, the ability to easily scroll through and switch between videos can make it harder for viewers to retain information. Here are problems associated with lack of attention:

Results of Poor Attention Span

1. Difficulty completing tasks

When attention is not focused, it can be difficult to complete tasks and stay on track. This can lead to decreased productivity and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

2. Poor memory

Attention is closely tied to memory, and when attention is not focused, it can be difficult to remember important information.

3. Difficulty learning

A lack of attention can make it difficult to absorb and retain new information, making it harder to learn.

4. Difficulty following conversations

When attention is not focused, it can be difficult to follow conversations and understand what is being said.

5. Increased risk of accidents

A lack of attention can increase the risk of accidents, such as car accidents, as it can be difficult to stay focused on the task at hand.

6. Difficulty in personal and professional relationships


You need to listen to your partner and your professional people for a successful relationship. Miscommunication or no communication at all is not desirable. When you don't have attention span, you will not be able to grasp what the other person is saying. A lack of attention can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with others, as well as difficulty in making and maintaining relationships.

7. Difficulty in decision-making

A lack of attention can make it difficult to weigh options and make informed decisions. Decision-making is an art and you need to take some serious decisions in your life. Not having this art will create so many problems for you in the future.

8. Increased stress and anxiety

Difficulty completing tasks and staying on track can lead to increased stress and anxiety.

Not just that, it is already proven that apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels are harmful for your brain if consumed regularly.

But this problem is totally controllable if timely measures are taken. Here is how you can help yourself and your kids in curbing psychological problems due to overloaded information and a short attention span.

How to Improve Attention Span

Here are a few things you can do to improve your attention span due to these short video content apps.

1. Set time limits

Set a specific time limit for how long you will spend watching short-form video content each day. Once that time limit is reached, stop watching and move on to another activity.

2. Create a list of other activities

Make a list of other activities that you enjoy and that you can do instead of watching short-form video content. Examples might include reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.

3. Turn off notifications

Turn off push notifications from social media apps that send notifications about new short-form video content.

4. Uninstall the app or Take a break

It is completely okay to uninstall Instagram, TikTok and Youtube for some time. Youtube is not exactly a social media platform and if you are using Youtube as a learning platform, you can simply disable Youtube shorts for some time.

Take a break from social media for a period of time, such as a week or a month, to give yourself a chance to break the habit of constantly checking for new short-form video content. You will feel much better and you will see an improved attention span, less anxiety, and social pressure and fewer self-doubts.

5. Use an app-blocker

Use an app-blocking software or browser extension to block access to social media apps that you find yourself spending too much time on.

6. Find alternative ways of entertainment

There are thousands of activities you can do to improve yourself and your brain's health. Find other ways to entertain yourself such as listening to/playing music, playing games, getting a dog, joining a gym, swimming, football, cricket, mountain biking, trekking, camping, and long drives. Do anything but don't touch your smartphone to get entertained.

It is hard to resist watching all those stupid short videos but once you have a purpose in your life and strong determination for a healthy lifestyle, things get much easier.